1. What is Mover Erase Combo?

Mover Erase Combo is a system of ADHD control stationery that helps individuals break down ideas into smaller actionable steps, increasing productivity and focus.


2. How can Mover Erase Combo help with ADHD control?

Mover Erase Combo uses haptic sensory stimulation and human sensory-centered design to provide a physical and visual reminder of tasks, helping individuals with ADHD stay focused and on track.


3. Can Mover Erase Combo be used for homeschooling?

Yes, Mover Erase Combo is great for homeschooling parents and educators. The system helps students break down assignments and tasks into manageable steps, increasing their ability to focus and complete their work.


4. How can Mover Erase Combo be used in Montessori education?

Mover Erase Combo aligns with the Montessori philosophy of hands-on learning and kinesthetic learning. The system helps students physically interact with their work, breaking it down into smaller steps and increasing their ability to focus.


5. How can Mover Erase Combo assist with time management?

Mover Erase Combo can be used as task divider and task separator, allowing individuals to break down their work into manageable chunks and prioritize their tasks. This helps with time management and increases productivity.


6. Can Mover Erase Combo be used in an office setting?

Yes, Mover Erase Combo is great for business executives and professionals. The system helps individuals break down projects and tasks into smaller actionable steps, increasing their productivity and ability to focus.


7. What is the One Thing Philosophy?

The One Thing Philosophy encourages individuals to identify the most important task, project, or goal and prioritize it above all else. Mover Erase Combo can assist with this philosophy by helping individuals break down their One Thing into smaller actionable steps.


8. What is the Block of Time Philosophy?

The Block of Time Philosophy encourages individuals to block out specific periods of time for certain tasks or projects. Mover Erase Combo can assist with this philosophy by providing a visual representation of the time blocks and the tasks within those blocks.


9. What is the purpose of the magnet in Mover Erase Combo?

Different sizes and colors in Mover Erase Combo serve as visual reminders of tasks and projects. The magnet can be placed on a fridge or whiteboard, providing a physical representation of the work that needs to be completed.


10. How can Mover Erase Combo help with focus and attention?

Mover Erase Combo provides a physical and visual representation of tasks and projects, helping individuals with ADHD stay focused and on track. Additionally, the system encourages individuals to break down tasks into smaller manageable steps, increasing their ability to focus and complete their work.